In Home Assessments
An in-home assessment utilizes scientific principles and measurements, as well as subjective observations to analyze the components of a specific home environment relevant to a particular patient. The assessment is frequently performed as part of a treatment plan for an injured patient in order to gather data on the physical requirements for pertinent everyday tasks. These are used for comparison with a patient’s functional abilities, as well as to identify tasks, environments and equipment that present barriers to a patient’s return to normal activities. Furthermore, ergonomic risk factors and the need for assistive devices are assessed. The results are then used to aid in restoration and accommodation of essential activities of daily living and to provide a benchmark rehabilitative functional goal.
Work-Site Assessments
A work-site assessment’s purpose is to assess the physical, mental, and cognitive demands associated with someone’s occupation, and to investigate the availability of modified duties, modifications to the workstation, and graduated hours to facilitate return to pre-accident employment.
Functional Capacity Evaluations
A Functional Capacity Evaluation utilizes scientific principles and measurements to analyze the abilities of a specific individual relevant to their pre-injury level of function. Results are then used to aid in direction of clinical treatment, return to activities of daily living, return to work and work conditioning programs. Further, the data can be used to identify tasks, environments and equipment that present barriers to recovery and restoration of functional capacity. The test procedures vary from client to client dependent upon their functional requirements and their type of injury.